Water Education Center Coconut Shell Carbon - EcoloIonex uses coconut based carbon to filter your water. Why does the carbon source matter? Because coal based filters may already contain substances like Arsenic when they are manufactured, carrying the risk that these substances may leach into your water as it passes through the filter. Coconut based carbon avoids these dangers and also provides a much higher overall capacity than normal coal-based filters. In fact, one EcoloIonex Coconut-based Carbon filter will filter the water for your entire home, removing particles down to 5 microns in size, and still only need to be replaced once a year. Contaminants are simply washed down the drain EcoloIonex Coconut-based Carbon Filters have a much greater adsorption capacity than standard coal filters
Only water molecules are small enough to pass through the membrane to the other side and into the holding tank
Molecular Structure of Activated Carbon COCONUT-BASED COAL-BASED The EcoloIonex TFC membrane filters out particles down to .0004 microns in size. A red blood cell is 5 microns across. A human hair is 100 microns thick. |