Commercial and Service Deionization (SDI) from EcoloIonex is a safe and economical way for you to obtain consistent, high purity water from potable feed water. Our reliable SDI systems consist of activated carbon and ion exchange resin contained in portable tanks connected directly to your tap water supply. With SDI systems, there is no major capital investment or handling of hazardous chemicals. Our factory trained service representatives will deliver tanks, install and maintain the equipment. With EcoloIonex you get the highest quality, most economical product, backed by the most knowledgeable experts in the field. We will custom-design and configure an SDI system to meet your water purity requirements, flow rates and budget. Unlike permanent-bed deionizers, Service Deionization, (SDI) requires no system installation, chemical handling, waste neutralization or maintenance by you. When the resins in the tanks exhaust, our local service representatives remove and replace the tanks with freshly regenerated tanks. You have a constant supply of high-purity water and no chemicals are brought into your facility. WE PUT THE "SERVICE" IN SERVICE DEIONIZATION We understand how critical it is to have a reliable and continuous supply of high purity water. EcoloIonex has been supplying companies like yours with high-quality SDI systems for years. With the best local service in the industry, we guarantee fast, first-rate service wherever and whenever you need it. And, with our team of technical support professionals, help is just a phone call away.
Scavenging Resins |